Dear visionary friends!

The Robert Venosa video workshop
"Painting the Fantastic" is here.

This is all previously unreleased, exclusive material, shot in
his Boulder studio over a decade ago.

Divided in 6 compact chapters,
you will be able to learn in very detailed fashion how to paint
your own little masterpiece.
Experience and learn in real time, how Robert Venosa
approached and executed his craft.

After this video workshop, you will be ready to easily apply
his technique into your workflow.
Also watch out for his promotional advice on
how to get exposure on your art!


Enjoy a sneak peek into the first chapter from
"Painting the Fantastic" by Robert Venosa.

This video series will show you how to create a painting
from the set up all the way up to marketing.

Make sure to follow up with the description of the
individual chapters below.

Click on any of the following chapter icons to access
the video workshop.


Watch as Robert Venosa prepares the materials and utensils
needed to paint.
Then Venosa talks about the right approach to painting the fantastic,
followed by laying down the canvas and starting the priming process.

Robert Venosa starts by showing you how to set up the painting
after priming the canvas.
Afterwards Venosa leads you to find the hidden forms awaiting.
Closing the chapter, Venosa teaches the power of highlighting.


Robert Venosa teaches you the art of hazing, a key technique.
Followed by adding new colours to the painting.
Finishing the chapter, Venosa shows you how to detail
the features that define your painting.

Robert Venosa focuses on building up the figures and pulling out shapes.
Venosa also shows you the magic of using bright colors
to create great effects.


In this chapter Robert Venosa shows you how to adjust forms to each other. Going further, he focuses on the manifestations in the painting.
Finishing the chapter, Venosa works on the backround of the painting.

In the final chapter, Robert Venosa teaches the art of glazing,
one of the most important aspects of the Misch Technique.
Followed by the final touches of finishing the painting.
Closing the chapter, Venosa ends with a special look into promotion
and exposing your art.

Stream the Fantastic

  • Painting the Fantastic - Video Workshop

    6 videos

    Dear visionary friends! 
    The Robert Venosa video workshop "Painting the Fantastic" is here. 

    This is all previously unreleased, exclusive material, shot in his Boulder studio over a decade ago.
    Divided in 6 compact chapters, you will be able to learn in very detailed fashion how to paint your ow...

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